Hi bloguer

Finaly in the last blog, i have the oportunity to write for  you , i have share with you a part of my live for example my favorite sport, city , music and the best toy in my childhood. The post i like the most was that “ Particulary city”, in wich i mentioned to Barcelona  and who would be for me to visit it, this is my dreams city and i hope i can visit it in the future.
The post i hated the most  was “ my favourite toy” thanks to this post i revived bad experiences in my childhood , my frustrations like a child and remember an old  when my parents still married.
The use of the english is so dificulty for me and i try to ask for help to my classmates or to the internet or asking my teacher, also i change the idiom in Wikipedia to know how can i write a technic Word in any other idiom
I like these blog, its allow me to know more my self and express what i think and feel. The exercise to think that what you write will be read for another person is to rewarding and what i hated the most maybe what that in class didn’t  comment what was the most funny post.


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